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  • Rock Solid Real Estate Advice Blog

    Tuesday, October 8, 2019   /   by Matthew Heitmann

    Moving into a New Home Checklist

    It’s only a matter of weeks now before you move into your new home. Seeing the front door or smelling the fresh paint in your imagination isn’t really silly. In fact, it’s something most homeowners can relate to.
    After all, what’s better than becoming a day closer to stepping foot in your dream home?
    As exciting as moving day is, it can turn into a disaster. To prevent that from happening, you must first guarantee that you have everything sorted out -- from making sure that you’ve contacted the moving company to checking the last drawer for items.
    Moving can be very perplexing indeed. That’s why we created a checklist to help make things easier and more convenient for you.
    Hire a reliable moving company.
    Missing or broken objects are always disheartening. That’s why your priority should be finding a dependable moving company to transport your valuables.
    Set up your utilities.
    Opening the front door of your new house, only to realize that. ...